Friday, December 19, 2008

Intoduction to lovebirds

Oh, alright...I guess I could say some stuff about my neighbors.

Those neighbors of mine are lovebirds and they originate from Africa (I looked it up..) They are bright colored usually. Some species, such as the masked lovebird, are not brightly colored, though, with their dark feathers around their eyes...thus their name.
Some bird guides say that the peachfaced lovebirds (such as my neighbors) are the most aggressive. hmm..

They are much smaller than I am, perhaps half my size. Not to mention they really don't like me that much. Maybe our size difference has to do with it, but 'tiels and lovebirds don't naturally mix.

Another difference is that they are much, much noisier than I am. They can talk to basically no one. For such little birds, they are quite loud.

Their acrobatic skills are higher than mine as well. They are able to climb their cage walls and cling upside down on the roof. They are fairly good flyers...ok, they're better than me in that too...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Up or Down?

See those feathers on my head? Those are called crest or crown feathers.
Yes! I, Sunny, have a golden crown!
Anyway, you saw the reason why it's up on the picture to the left in a previous post. (time for a review!)
In this case, I saw something outside that was either very interesting or creepy. (no, I'm not a scaredy cat!)
Feathers that are not puffed up and close together making me look skinny go with the scared look. (if one saw a huge bird outside, of course one would be scared!)

To the right is a picture of me content. You might notice that my feathers are in a more relaxed position. Puffy! I don't look as skinny either. (maid Cy isn't scary, so..)

When I'm angry, my feathers are either in a compact position like above, or they are fluffed up.
To tell the difference, I let out a warning shriek, and keep my beak open as if to bite. My head is kept low near the threat, so to have a better position to strike. I sometimes flick my wings briefly to add to the warning.
Ok, then I run away. Better to run than to fight...
..particularly since a little 12 inch bird can't do much.

It takes a quite a bit to make cockatiels angry. We are a friendly species of bird.
It's better to remain happy anyway!